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Brazing Copper and Brass Fittings to Make a Flange

Brazing Copper and Brass Fittings to Make a Flange

A client manufacturing plumbing flanges came to THE LAB at Ambrell with a brazing application. They needed to braze copper and to braze brass fittings. They had been using a torch, but wanted a more repeatable heating solution. So they took advantage of free parts testing from THE LAB to see if induction might be a better heating solution for their brazing application. 

More Induction Brazing Application Notes

The LAB determined that an Ambrell EASYHEAT™ 9 kW, 150-400 kHz induction system with a custom-designed single position multiple-turn u-coil would be the optimal induction solution for their application. The target temperate for this brazing application was 1200 °F (649 °C).

Initial tests were conducted to optimize the power delivered to the assembly. Temperature indicating paint was then applied to the assembly, which dissolves when the assembly reaches the target temperature. It took 70 seconds to heat the part to temperature, which met the client's objectives.

There are numerous benefits to induction when compared to torch heating. Speed is often a benefit. Repeatability is also a key benefit, as induction can be easily automated and isn't dependent on operator skill. Finally, there's no open flame with induction, so it's a comparatively safer option that introduces less heat into the work environment. In this case, repeatability was the client's primary objective. 

If you have an application you'd like tested, contact THE LAB to take advantage of complimentary induction heating application testing from our expert applications team. 

More Brazing application notes

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