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Debonding the Rubber Coating from a Steel-Casted Water Valve

Debonding the Rubber Coating from a Steel-Casted Water Valve


A client contacted THE LAB at Ambrell because they needed to heat a steel, rubber-coated water valve to 500 ºF (260 ºC) and debond the rubber coating for recycling or refurbishing.

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THE LAB determined that an Ambrell EKOHEAT® 15 kW, 50-150 kHz induction heating system would be the right solution for this debonding application. The client's prior process resulted in inconsistent results and parts damage, which was why they wanted to evaluate induction heating.

A four-turn helical coil was used for this debonding application. Power was applied for two minutes to heat the water valve slowly to 500 ºF (260 ºC) to ensure the metal casting was not damaged. The part was then taken out of the coil and the rubber coating was easily removed. The application testing met all of the client’s objectives. The frequency for this application was 80 kHz. 


As mentioned, eliminating parts damage was critical for this client and the main driver in them switching to induction. Additionally, induction heating is more environmentally-friendly as no noxious chemicals are used. Induction's even distribution of heating and consistent and repeatable results were also significant benefits. Finally, the complimentary applications lab service was also important, as expert applications engineers were able to prove out their process prior to the client making an equipment investment. 

Interested in getting your heating application tested by THE LAB? Just fill out this form to get started!

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